Sycada Ribbon Tree

The Climate Ribbon is a participatory art ritual for climate healing and hope. Its goal is to move us from climate grief to climate action. The power of the initiative is rooted in a very simple, yet profound question: What do you love and wish to never lose to climate change?

May we invite you to reflect on the above question and write down your answer on a ribbon in our virtual tree? The more specific and personal, the better. We will also be tying your wish to our real Climate Ribbon Tree in our office in Amsterdam. It will serve as daily motivation and inspiration for our team’s effort to create a more sustainable world, using innovative technology.

Read and get inspired by the ribbons of others below. 

Click on the ribbons to see the wishes already send in.

Winters with snow and a nut tree - Igor
Future perspective for my children - Anonymous
The forest and their inhabitants - Anonymous
I don't want to lose iceberg and as well the animals living around it - Yuhze Ma
I don't want to lose the seasons! - Alessia
Fun - Anonymous
The nature ecosystem and all the amazement it brings - Joost van Rietbergen
Arctic ice and million years of wisdom - Vimi
Protect our winters - Tyler
I don't want to lose maple products and trees! - Anonymous

Send in your wish for 2023



    We are always open to discussing the ribbons in person to celebrate what we have achieved together already and to reflect on how we can create an even more positive impact using innovative technology in the near future.